Wednesday, August 3, 2011

The Water Meeting

In July 25, 2011, a meeting came up by Erin Brockovich whose a famed legal clerk and environmental activist, that was a meeting with the residents who have concerns on the contaminated water. The setting was taken place at Simmons Center, Osage Road area, Duncan. The following questions are the question which people more interested to know. For instance,

What is the chemical caused to contaminated the water? That's a good question for the main purposes! The answer would be the water contaminated with perchlorate and has spreading all over to the ground water.

But where those contaminated water spreaded from? It was spreaded from one of the proverty area on Fifth Street owned by Halliburton.

According to the article, "Contaminated water wells bring Brockovich to Duncan" by Toni Hopper (The Duncan Banner). At the beginning when the problem was explode, Halliburton didn't know that the problem was caused from their private wells. After the testing came out by the Department of Environmental Quality, they addressing the issue immediately a week later. The perchlorate wasn't exist recently, it had been exist since in the past 50 years. Between 1965 and 1991, Halliburton contracted with the U.S. Defense Department to remove the wells that were used. And they found out there atleast a dozen more wells were on Fifth Street and Osage Road.

Along with the meeting, there were several representatives presented. One of the attorney, Todd Ommen said, "The high levels of contamination tested have raised some concerns, for sure"... "Our firm has experience in dealing with contaminated ground water. It's one of our primary areas".

Hence, from the descriptions above presented by attorney, Todd Ommen, it can conludes that as the level of the contamination tested increases, the complaint from the residents will increases too. Anyway, there is a good news is the company "Halliburton" would be responsible for all the responsibilities and may solve the situation.

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