Tuesday, July 26, 2011

Perchlorate Situation in Duncan, Oklahoma

Imagine arriving home on a blazing summer day. What a joy to reach for a glass of cold water to cool you down from the humid and hot temperature! Of course we can do so with a clean water supply. But there is a problem in Duncan, Oklahoma.

In early July, it was found that 18 Halliburton-owned wells were contaminated with perchlorate. Perchlorate is a colorless salt that, if ingested in great amounts, can result in various side effects such as damaging hormone functionality.

However, there’s more to worry about than our health. For expectant mothers, there is also the unborn child’s health. Their developing nervous systems can be greatly damaged. 

Water plays a pivotal role in Oklahomans’ lives. They use water from the wells for their farmlands, which Oklahomans are proud of. Although Halliburton announced that they will provide bottled water for the neighborhood around the affected area, this can only be a temporary solution.

In long term, who knows how perchlorate has already affected these people? Who knows what future damages may occur? Not only does Halliburton need to take the responsibility for cleaning up the chemicals; they need to make sure Duncan’s water supply is free of perchlorates for future use.

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